Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Bali: Seraya (Part Two)- The Local Life

I don't think that I could ever get tired of the cerulean blue skies and fresh, clear air. You really don't realize how nice it is until you don't have it. We opted to stay in the area for the day, just to relax.

My view as I am showering, loving my outdoor shower!!!!

View from our front porch

Getting fancy with my fruit

After breakfast, we opted for a long walk and coastal hike to explore and enjoy the area more. The views were amazing. The water was crystal clear but a vibrant green-blue, and we were able to enjoy spotting turtles and lot of fish. I know that Adam was missing his spearfishing days.

We spent a long time just sitting down by the water, watching the waves ebb and flow. It had been a REALLY long time since my mind felt this at peace and THIS calm. The particular beach that we were resting on was rounded rocks instead of sounds, so you could always hear the waves with the clicking of the rocks.

Kadek makes THE BEST meals!

After sunset, Sales took us on a walk up to a neighbor's house where they were celebrating so we were able to witness a local celebration. The entire town was in attendance. Not kidding. THE.  ENTIRE.  TOWN. And we were the only outsiders. They accepted us with shy smiles and big eyes. There was a family playing xylophone-type instruments, clarinets, and gongs. To the music, many people were closed-eye dancing (it is a local custom) but have a person (with eyes open) standing near them to protect them, and those not dancing sat around in a bit circle to watch.

It was the most picturasque night: Star filled sky, cool and gentle breeze (thank god, a break from the humidity!) blowing through the palm fronds, and the scent of plumeria blowing through the air.

The 3 year old boy absolutely STOLE the show! And he really had some awesome dance moves.

Pseudo-sunrise over Seraya

The next morning we were up bright and early to be able to get to the "Big Market" in Amnapura. It is a huge venue for all things food: fish and meat, vegetables and fruit, nuts, and fresh coffee beans. All of the fish and meat were not dead either, so I felt sad watching people haggle for animals that I knew were going to be killed. Especially when it was the piglets that were strapped to bamboo poles to be made immobile but still awake.


On our departure from Seraya to Mas, we stopped a local plantation to try the infamous Luwak coffee. It is made from coffee beans that have been eaten by the Luwak (looks like a funny cat) and pooped out. This excrement is then gathered and processed.
I know.
It sounds disgusting.
But you know what?
I wish I could say otherwise. But I would be lying.


Adam helping with the roasting

Post-excreted, pre-processed coffee beans

They also grew many teas, so we opted for a cup of coffee each and a sampler of their teas.
Seriously, it was some of the most delicious tea that I had ever consumed. The ginger tea was my favorite, closely followed by the saffron one. Adam loved the lemongrass.

And onto Mas we go!